Sunday, January 20, 2008

tell 5 weird or Random things about myself......

I should write a book on my weirdness....

1. If I put it on my plate to eat, I have to eat it all. Mama said children were starving in China and they would just love this food. I can't seem to get past it!

2. For the most part, I like to shop alone. I like to just walk around without any distractions and look. I have girlfriends that shop in packs....

3. I can be found in my PJ's, so I would rather someone call before dropping in.

4.My computer sat just looking at me for almost a year before I would start learning what to do with it.

5. I go barefooted year round. I have beautiful shoes but I only wear them when I go out. Even the dogs know I am leaving because I have shoes on my feet.


Janet said...

You're not weird! Just original!!

We had that same rule at our house about the food on the plate. As a kid I had very strange eating likes and dislikes so it made for some difficult times!

I love being in my jammies but I do wear slippers on my feet. Our house is built on a slab and the floor gets cold in the winter.

We didn't buy a computer until 2000because I couldn't figure out what I would do on it!!

I love learning about you and all the things we have in well as our differences. You should write a book!!

Janet said...

I forgot....I know it's too late for now but are you aware of NaNoWriMo? If you're really interested in writing a book you should look into that for this coming November. It could be a fun project for you.

Werna Gail said...

Ok, I must be weird to, I hate wearing shoes, love to buy them. Don't do jammies but love nightgowns so much I'll stay in one if I'm not leaving the house.I think we were all told that about food when we were young, I try not to put more on my plate than I know I will eat.Computers /#@*oh did I say that? Glad to see you figured out your friends list.

Betzie said...

I like to shop alone too..always have! I just adore antiquing by myself. If I go with a friend, I just can't concentrate. We talk too much and it's a distraction. LOL
I love big frumpy robes and nightgowns...not a pj person, but I love being comfy too! thanks for visiting my blog!

The Feathered Nest said...

Wow, Mary ~ your random things sound just like me! I do like wearing bedroom shoes because of having five sons and not wanting to step on something strange! I love to be on the computer though...maybe too much...I love to see photos of things that other people love or that make them happy in their home. I have a lot of things that inspire me here! xxoo, Dawn