Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A garden in our orchard

We have had gardens here season after season, but this year we decided to make a special place for our garden. So Arney rolled up his sleeves and now we have a garden spot. Here are a few pictures. As you can see, I was working very hard taking the pictures. Wait a minute...I did hold the measuring tap ones....


Julie said...

That's a good rabbit-proof fence. When I was in my bedroom earlier this evening, I saw a little girl come into my front yard. When I went to investigate, I saw not one but two girls stalking a bunny rabbit. (I doubt they caught it.) Good thing it was in my front yard and not the back, where my dogs were!

Kelli said...

I love your garden fence, it's perfect!

Janet said...

Great fence! Arney did a good job. Now if only the weather would cooperate so you could plant something!!